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Welcome Back Indus Families!

I am so excited to start this new school year with all of you!  We are in such a beautiful part of the world. I want to make sure our students know how to thrive in Northern Minnesota! We are going to focus on getting outdoors as often as we can. I highly encourage all teachers to integrate outdoor activities and elements into their curriculum. There are not many schools who can look out their window and see a different country!

Our focus this year is to “Get in the Game!” Too many of us sit and watch videos of other people experiencing life! We are watching the world pass us by. We need to do more! When was the last time your family played a game together? When was the last time you went for a nature hike? If the entire world lost power for a month, could you survive?  My goal is for us to start to experience life again!  We can do great things together! 

Please contact me with questions or concerns. I will do my best to help in whatever way I can. 

Let's make this the best year yet!

Betsy Gerard
Indus K-12 Principal
Phone: 218-634-2425 ext. 202